Trademark Registration

Stay Ahead by Renewing: A Guide to Trademark Renewal in India

Discover the key steps to staying ahead in India’s competitive market by renewing trademarks – a must-read guide for businesses!

When it comes to protecting your brand and business identity, trademark registration is just the first step. In India, it is essential to renew your trademark to maintain its legal protection and exclusivity. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of trademark renewal in India, including the steps involved, timelines to keep in mind, and the consequences of not renewing your trademark on time.

Trademark Renewal Process

The process of renewing a trademark in India is relatively straightforward, but it is important to follow the required steps to ensure that your trademark remains valid and enforceable. The renewal process typically involves submitting a renewal application and paying the necessary fees to the Trademark Registry.

Firstly, you will need to file a renewal application with the Trademark Registry at least six months before the expiration date of your trademark. The application can be filed online through the official website or in person at the nearest Trademark Registry office.

Along with the renewal application, you will need to provide the registration number of your trademark, details of the trademark owner, and any other relevant information requested by the Registry. It is important to double-check all the information provided to avoid any delays or complications in the renewal process.

Timelines for Renewal

It is crucial to keep track of the renewal deadline for your trademark to ensure that it remains in force without any interruptions. In India, trademarks are initially registered for a period of ten years, and they can be renewed indefinitely for successive periods of ten years each.

The renewal application must be filed at least six months before the expiration date of the trademark registration to avoid any late fees or penalties. If the renewal application is not filed on time, the trademark may be considered as abandoned, and you may lose the exclusive rights associated with it.

It is recommended to set up reminders or alerts to notify you about the upcoming renewal deadline of your trademark to ensure timely compliance with the renewal requirements.

Consequences of Not Renewing

Failure to renew your trademark on time can have severe consequences for your business and brand identity. If a trademark is not renewed within the specified timeframe, it may be removed from the Register of Trademarks, and you may lose the legal protection and exclusivity associated with it.

Trademark Renewal Process in India
Steps Description
1 File the Renewal Application
2 Examination by Registry
3 Publication in Trademark Journal
4 Opposition Period
5 Registration Renewed

Once a trademark is removed from the Register, it becomes open for others to use and register, putting your brand at risk of infringement and dilution. Additionally, re-registering a trademark that has been removed from the Register may involve additional costs and complexities, making it essential to renew your trademark on time.

By renewing your trademark promptly, you can continue to enjoy the exclusive rights and benefits associated with trademark registration, protecting your brand identity and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.


Trademark renewal is a crucial aspect of maintaining the legal protection and exclusivity of your brand identity in India. By following the necessary steps for trademark renewal, keeping track of renewal timelines, and avoiding any delays or non-compliance, you can ensure that your trademark remains valid and enforceable for years to come.

Stay ahead of the game by renewing your trademark on time and safeguarding your brand against potential risks and infringements. Remember, a timely renewal today can save you from legal headaches and uncertainties in the future. Protect your brand, protect your business – renew your trademark in India.


Question 1: When should I file for trademark renewal in India?

Answer 1: It is advisable to file for trademark renewal at least six months before the expiration date to avoid any late fees or penalties.

Question 2: What are the consequences of not renewing my trademark on time?

Answer 2: Failure to renew your trademark on time can lead to loss of legal protection and exclusivity, making your brand vulnerable to infringement.

Question 3: Can I renew my trademark online in India?

Answer 3: Yes, you can file for trademark renewal online through the official website of the Trademark Registry in India.

Question 4: How long is a trademark registration valid for in India?


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Answer 4: A trademark registration in India is initially valid for ten years and can be renewed indefinitely for successive periods of ten years each.

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