Trademark Registration

Renewing Your Brand: The Insider’s Guide to Trademark Renewal in India

Unlock the secrets of trademark renewal in India with our insider’s guide – your brand’s future success depends on it!

Trademarks are a vital part of any business, representing the brand identity and distinguishing products and services in the market. However, once you have registered a trademark in India, it’s crucial to ensure that it remains valid and protected. This is where trademark renewal comes into play. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about trademark renewal in India.

Why Renewing Your Trademark is Important

Trademark renewal is essential to maintain the legal protection of your brand. In India, trademarks are initially registered for a period of 10 years, after which they need to be renewed to continue enjoying exclusive rights to the mark. Failing to renew your trademark can result in the loss of protection, leaving your brand vulnerable to infringement and misuse.

The Process of Trademark Renewal in India

Renewing a trademark in India involves a series of steps to ensure that your brand remains legally protected. The process typically begins with filing a renewal application with the Trademark Registry. This application must be submitted within the prescribed time frame to avoid any lapses in protection.

Once the renewal application is filed, the Trademark Registry will examine the application to ensure that all requirements are met. If everything is in order, the trademark will be renewed for another 10-year period. However, if there are any issues or discrepancies, the Registry may request additional information or documentation before proceeding with the renewal.

Consequences of Failing to Renew Your Trademark

Failure to renew your trademark can have serious consequences for your brand. Without a valid trademark registration, you may lose the exclusive rights to use the mark, making it easier for competitors to imitate or infringe upon your brand. Additionally, you may also face legal challenges in enforcing your rights and protecting your brand identity.

It’s important to stay proactive and monitor the renewal deadlines for your trademarks to avoid any lapses in protection. Working with a legal professional or trademark agent can help ensure that your trademarks are renewed on time and in compliance with the necessary requirements.

Best Practices for Trademark Renewal

To ensure a smooth and successful trademark renewal process, it’s important to follow some best practices:

Trademark Registration Renewal Process Renewal Period
File an application with the Indian Patent Office Submit an application for renewal along with the prescribed fee Every 10 years from the date of registration
Check for any conflicting trademarks Ensure all required documents are in order Can be renewed indefinitely as long as fees are paid on time
Respond to any objections raised by the Patent Office Wait for the Patent Office to process the application Grace period of 6 months after expiry date for late renewal with additional fee

1. Keep track of renewal deadlines: Maintain a calendar or reminder system to track the renewal deadlines for your trademarks.

2. Review your trademark portfolio: Regularly review your trademark portfolio to identify trademarks that are due for renewal and prioritize them accordingly.

3. Seek professional assistance: Consider working with a trademark attorney or agent who can guide you through the renewal process and ensure compliance with all legal requirements.


Trademark renewal is a critical aspect of maintaining the legal protection of your brand in India. By staying proactive, adhering to renewal deadlines, and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can ensure that your trademarks remain valid and enforceable. Remember, protecting your brand is not just a one-time effort – it requires ongoing maintenance and vigilance to safeguard your intellectual property rights.


How often do I need to renew my trademark in India?

Answer 1: Trademarks in India need to be renewed every 10 years from the date of registration to maintain their legal protection.

What happens if I forget to renew my trademark in India?

Answer 2: Failing to renew your trademark can lead to the loss of exclusive rights and leave your brand vulnerable to infringement.

Can I renew my trademark in India after the expiry date?

Answer 3: Yes, you can renew your trademark within a grace period of 6 months after the expiry date by paying an additional fee.

Do I need professional assistance for trademark renewal in India?



Answer 4: While it’s not mandatory, working with a trademark attorney or agent can help ensure a smooth renewal process and compliance with legal requirements.

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