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Alteration Of MOA & AOA in India

The Complete Guide to Altering the MOA & AOA in India


In today’s dynamic business environment, it’s not uncommon for companies to evolve their objectives and operational scope. Whether you’re looking to expand your business, comply with new regulations, or enhance corporate governance, altering your Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) is a necessary step. This guide will take you through the purpose, key changes, and legal requirements for altering the MOA and AOA in India.

Purpose of Altering the MOA & AOA

The reasons behind altering the MOA and AOA can vary but generally include:

  • Reflecting Changes in Business Objectives: Companies often need to update their objectives to align with new business strategies or market conditions.
  • Compliance with Regulatory Requirements: Amendments in laws and regulations may necessitate updates to the MOA and AOA.
  • Changes in Ownership or Management: Adjustments in the company’s shareholding pattern or management structure may require formal documentation changes.
  • Enhancing Corporate Governance: Improving operational efficiency or updating corporate governance practices also often requires modifications to these foundational documents.

Key Changes in the MOA & AOA

When altering the MOA and AOA, consider these essential updates:

  • Update Objectives: Modify the company’s objectives to reflect its current and future business plans.
  • Revise Scope of Operations: Include new business segments or exclude non-performing areas.
  • Shareholding Pattern: Incorporate changes related to the issuance of new shares or transfer of existing shares.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Align articles with the latest laws and guidelines.
  • Corporate Governance: Introduce or amend provisions related to the Board of Directors, committees, and shareholder rights.
  • Operational Efficiency: Update management and operational processes to reflect best industry practices.

Legal Requirements for Altering the MOA & AOA

Altering the MOA and AOA involves several legal steps:

  1. Legal Compliance: Ensure that alterations comply with the Companies Act, 2013, and relevant rules.
  2. Board Resolution: Pass a board resolution to approve the alterations and convene a general meeting of shareholders.
  3. Shareholder Approval: Obtain the consent of shareholders holding not less than 75% of the total voting rights through an ordinary resolution at a general meeting.
  4. Filing with Registrar of Companies (RoC): File the special resolution and a copy of the altered MOA and AOA with the RoC within 30 days.
  5. RoC Approval: The RoC reviews and, upon satisfaction, issues a certificate of approval.
  6. Update PAN and TAN: Reflect changes in PAN and TAN details with the Income Tax Department.
  7. Publishing Notice: If there is a change in authorized share capital, publish a notice in a local newspaper.
  8. Record Maintenance: Maintain copies of the altered MOA and AOA along with the RoC’s approval certificate as part of statutory records.

Process for Amending the MOA & AOA

Memorandum of Association (MOA)

The MOA serves as the foundation document for a company, outlining its objectives and operational boundaries. Key aspects include:

  • Name Clause: The company’s official name.
  • Situation Clause: Location of the company’s registered office.
  • Object Clause: The company’s purposes and scope of activities.
  • Liability Clause: Liability of the company’s members.
  • Capital Clause: Authorized capital and types of shares.
  • Subscription Clause: Initial subscribers’ agreement to form the company and take up shares.

Articles of Association (AOA)

The AOA outlines the internal management rules and regulations, including:

  • Directors’ Roles: Appointment, duties, and removal of directors.
  • Shareholder Rights: Voting, dividends, and share transfers.
  • Meetings: Rules for board and shareholder meetings.
  • Profit Sharing: Distribution of profits to shareholders.
  • Borrowing Powers: Rules for taking loans.
  • Amendments: Procedures for updating the AOA.
  • Company Seal: Usage guidelines for the company seal.

When Can the MOA Be Amended?

The MOA can be amended under various circumstances, such as:

  • Changing the Company’s Name: Requires a special resolution.
  • Changing Registered Office Location: Requires special resolution and approval if moving to another state.
  • Altering Object Clause: Requires a special resolution, especially for public companies.
  • Changing Liability Clause: Requires a resolution to limit the liability of directors.
  • Updating Capital Clause: Requires a resolution at a general meeting.

When Can the AOA Be Amended?

The AOA can be amended under conditions like:

  • Converting Private to Public Company and vice versa.
  • Changing Share Capital Structure.
  • Introducing New Governance Practices.

Documents Required for MOA Amendment

  • Revised MOA: Copy of the updated Memorandum of Association.
  • Certified Copy of Special Resolution.
  • Explanatory Statement.
  • EGM Notice.
  • Form MGT-14.

Documents Required for AOA Amendment

Similar to MOA amendment, but specific to changes in internal management rules.


Altering the MOA and AOA is crucial for reflecting changes in a company’s objectives, compliance with laws, and enhancing governance. By following the outlined steps and ensuring all legal requirements are met, companies can successfully amend these foundational documents.

At Bharat Filing Point, we offer expert assistance to make this process seamless. Contact our experts today to get started with your MOA and AOA amendments and ensure smooth, compliant operations.



Remember, staying updated with regulatory requirements and aligning your business practices with best industry standards is essential for long-term success. Reach out to us for any assistance you need!

Company Annual Filing Pvt vs LLP

DOCUMENTS Appointment of Auditor - ADT 01, INC 20 A form filing, DIR 3 KYC (For 2 directors), Accounting & Bookeeping(Upto 100 transactions), Financial statement preparation, Accounting software (1-year license), AOC 4, MGT 7 & ADT filing, Annual filing(Upto turnover of 20 lakhs), Facilitation of Annual General Meeting, Preparation of Minutes & Filing of AGM Report, GST Returns Filings (12 Months), One Year Income Tax filing(Upto turnover of 20 lakhs), Statutory regulations PF, ESI, TDS*, Payroll, PF & ESI filing (Up to 5 employees). Form 8 & 11 filing(One year), DIR 3 KYC (For 2 directors), Accounting & Bookeeping(Upto 100 transactions), Financial statement preparation, Accounting software (1-year license), GST Returns Filings (12 Months), One Year Income Tax filing(Upto turnover of 20 lakhs), Statutory regulations PF, ESI, TDS*, Payroll, PF & ESI filing (Up to 5 employees).
Time 7-9 working days 7-9 working days

Documents Required for Alteration Of MOA & AOA in India

The documents required for the alteration of Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) in India typically include:

  1. Special Resolution: A special resolution passed by the shareholders approving the alteration of the MOA and AOA.
  2. Board Resolution: A certified true copy of the board resolution authorizing the alteration.
  3. Updated Memorandum of Association: An updated copy of the MOA reflecting the proposed changes.
  4. Updated Articles of Association: An updated copy of the AOA reflecting the proposed changes.
  5. Form MGT-14: Submission of Form MGT-14 along with the necessary documents to the Registrar of Companies within 30 days of passing the resolution.

These documents are crucial for legally changing the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of a company in India. It is essential to follow the proper procedures and timelines to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

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Alteration Of MOA & AOA FAQ’s

What is MOA?

The Reminder of Affiliation (MOA) fills in as the basic authoritative record of an organization, portraying its extension, goals, and functional limits. 

For what reason do organizations have to intermittently correct their MOA?

Organizations might have to occasionally correct their MOA to reflect changes in their functional, primary, or vital mandates as the organization advances. 

What does the MOA characterize?

The MOA characterizes an organization’s extension, targets, functional limits, and inside rules laid out at the hour of its enlistment. 

What is a MOA Change?

A MOA Revision is the most common way of changing the arrangements framed in an organization’s Notice of Affiliation. 

When might a MOA at any point be revised?

A MOA can be revised to modify different conditions with the exception of the Membership Statement, normally to reflect changes in the organization’s name, enrolled office, goals, risk, capital, or approved capital. 

What are a few conditions shrouded in the MOA?

The MOA covers provisions like the Name Proviso, Circumstance Statement, Item Condition, Risk Provision, Capital Statement, and Membership Condition. 

What are the Articles of Affiliation (AOA)?

The Articles of Affiliation (AOA) are a central report for an organization, illustrating the standards, guidelines, and rules overseeing its inward administration. This archive subtleties the cycles for organization tasks, including the jobs and powers of chiefs, freedoms of investors, systems for gatherings, and rules on benefit dissemination, share issuance, and other center parts of organization administration. 

When should an organization enroll its AOA?

An organization is expected to enroll its Articles of Relationship at the hour of its fuse. 

For what reason could an organization correct its AOA?

An organization might have to correct its Articles of Relationship in light of multiple factors, for example, to reflect changes in organization system or tasks, adjust to new regulations or guidelines, rebuild its administration or administration rehearses, or to carry out choices made by the investors or governing body. 

What is the significance of AOA Change?

Altering the AOA is fundamental for keeping up with the pertinence and adequacy of the record in overseeing the organization’s tasks. As an organization develops, enters new business sectors, faces new difficulties, or goes through inward changes, its AOA should be refreshed to mirror these turns of events. 

What should an organization do in the wake of modifying its AOA?

When an organization has modified its Articles of Affiliation, it is lawfully expected to document Structure MGT-14 with the Service of Corporate Undertakings (MCA) in the span of 30 days of passing the goal for revision. 

How does Bharat Filing Point help with AOA Alterations?

Bharat Filing Point offers complete help for organizations hoping to alter their Articles of Affiliation. Our administrations remember proficient guidance for the important changes, help with drafting the modified AOA and taking care of the procedural prerequisites, like documenting Structure MGT-14 with the MCA. 

What is remembered for the AOA?

The AOA incorporates definite arrangements in regards to the organization’s administration structure and functional rules. This includes the jobs and obligations of chiefs, freedoms and commitments of investors, systems for leading board and regular gatherings, approaches revenue driven sharing and profit dissemination, rules for getting and giving offers, methodology for revising the AOA, ventures for ending up the organization, and rules for utilizing the organization seal, if relevant. 

What are the lawful rules for AOA Correction?

The revision of the AOA should stick to the arrangements of the Organizations Act and the organization’s Update of Affiliation. This incorporates guaranteeing that any progressions are not in struggle with these reports and the law, and getting the essential endorsements from the investors through a unique goal. 

Alteration Of MOA & AOA in State